In 2024, Russia celebrates a special date - the 225th anniversary of the birth of the writer Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich.
The Russian reader knows the name of A.S. Pushkin from a very young age, first from his children's fairy tales, then from lyrical works, and then from novels, novellas and plays.
Pushkin's poems are the richest cultural heritage presented to the world. The literary work of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is priceless. His works unite people of all ages, faiths, and nationalities, and are translated into dozens of languages around the world.
Alexander Pushkin is often called the founder of the modern Russian literary language. No matter how difficult his works are to translate, the poet has his admirers in almost all corners of the planet.
It was on this day - June 6 (new style), 1799 — that Sasha Pushkin was born in Moscow. Pushkin's Day in Russia is celebrated annually in all cities of the country. On this day, many cultural events are held dedicated to the work of the great poet, literature and the Russian language.
It has become an annual tradition to celebrate Pushkin Day at the Department of Pharmacology of KSMU together with students of the International Medical Institute. Russian Russian 3rd year students get acquainted with the biography of the great Russian poet, the key stages of his life, the significance of A.S. Pushkin's work for world literature, and also read his poems in English and Russian.
The students highly appreciated the event and expressed their wish to continue this wonderful tradition.
Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology
Tsepelev V.Yu.
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