Information for students
- Все новости17841
- Поступающим393
- Образование2947
- Наука2455
- Общество2863
- Университетская жизнь4740
- Медицина1173
- Трудоустройство459
- Непрерывное образование72
- Международная деятельность341
Информационные рубрики
Главный корпус
305041 К.Маркса,3, г.Курск
Приемная комиссия
305041 К.Маркса,3, г.Курск
Dear students of the Kursk state medical university!
You became students and are users of the Library of the Kursk state medical university.
Today the library is:
– the library information centre of the university which provides approach both to the traditional resources and world and library electronic resources, including via the Internet;
– educational, scientific and social, economics literature, fiction, literature in foreign languages and rare editions.
The Library structure:
- Department of educational literature;
- Department of scientific literature;
- Department of foreign literature.
Departments of foreign literature (Yamskaya st., 18)
The Head of the Department:
Borovleva Irina Laertovna; e-mail: borovlevail@kursksmu.net
Working hours:
Monday to Friday – 9:00 – 17:30
Saturday, Sunday – day off
The Department of foreign literature appeared in the structure of the KSMU library in 1998. The department consists of the subscription and the reading room. The literature and periodicals of the medical profile in English are presented in the fund division. Currently, the collection consists of over 22,000 copies. The number of registered readers is more than 2,000 people. In 2014 the Department of foreign literature moved to the pharmaceutical building, where there was opened a center of distance educational technologies with automated places for the independent work of the students. All the computers of the Department are connected to the local network of the library and to the Internet.
The Department is doing a great educational and mass work: in conjunction with the Dean’s office of the international faculty and the Administration for international relations are organized mass events for the students of the international faculty, as well as topical illustrated exhibitions of literature on the academic disciplines studied by students, and devoted to significant and memorial dates.