The symposium “Experimental pharmacology” was held at the Department of Pharmacology as part of the annual 89th International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Youth Science and Modernity” on the 25th of April 2024.
The organizers of the conference were: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education KSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Kursk, Russia, Council of the KSMU Student Scientific Society and Council of Young Scientists of KSMU.
5 reports were discussed during the symposium “Experimental pharmacology”
1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of new thymogen analogues in experimental liver injury.
Letsholo Theo Ophodah, 3rd year Medical student, IMI, KSMU, gr. 1
Scientific advisor: associate professor of Pharmacology Department KSMU, Candidate of Pharmacy Tatarenkova I.A.
2. Assessment of the course of Bevacizumab-induced arterial hypertension in patients with colorectal cancer.
Lartey-Nyaunu Josiah, 3rd year Medical student, IMI, KSMU, gr. 1
Scientific advisor: associate professor of Pharmacology Department KSMU, Candidate of Pharmacy Tatarenkova I.A.
3. Features of pharmacotherapy for ischemic heart disease with PCSK9 inhibitors.
Alia Aqilah Binti Zulkornain, 3rd year Medical student, IMI, KSMU, gr. 3
Scientific advisor: Head of Pharmacology Department, Doctor of Medicine, professor, KSMU Mal G.S.
4. Features of pharmacotherapy with PCSK9 inhibitors for comorbid pathology.
Chau Jia Mei, 3rd year Medical student, IMI, KSMU, gr. 3
Scientific advisor: Head of Pharmacology Department, Doctor of Medicine, professor, KSMU Mal G.S.
5. Comparative analysis of the usage of antibiotic in cardiovascular patients.
Muhammad Iqbal Bin Rafid, 4th year Medical student, IMI, KSMU, gr. 2
Scientific advisor: associate professor of Pharmacology Department KSMU, Doctor of Pharmacy, Kvachakhiya L.L.
According to the results of the symposium, the following students were awarded prizes:
1st place - Lartey-Nyaunu Josiah
2nd place - Chau Jia Mei
Research plays a huge role in establishing trends in pharmacological sciences by studying the mechanisms of action of drugs and the interactions between drugs.
There are many new directions being developed in pharmacology, from technology to medicine at the molecular level and more. Practitioners need to keep abreast of the major developments in trends in pharmacology.
Associate professor I.A. Tatarenkova
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