Новость подразделения: Фармакологии

Среда, 10, Апрель 2024, 00:00
The symposium “Healthy body, healthy mind: modern challenges to sports” was held as part of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Healthy lifestyle and pharmacology of sports” on April 9, 2024 at the Department of Pharmacology.
17 reports were presented to our attention by students of International Medical Institute from Kursk and our guests from Tashkent. We exchanged views on the following conference issues:
- Worldview, medical-biological, psychological aspects of maintaining health
- Primary and secondary prevention of diseases
- Prevention and treatment of bad habits and drug addiction.
- Modern health-saving technologies and a culture of safe lifestyle
- Innovative approaches and technologies in health-improving physical culture and the formation of a healthy lifestyle
- Physical education and sports in the modern education system
- The role of healthcare and education institutions in promoting a healthy lifestyle.
- The role of the volunteer movement in promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people.
- Philosophical, cultural-historical, socio-psychological and pharmacological aspects of the practice of using doping drugs.
- Features of the pharmacological effects of drugs and doping on the athlete’s body.
- Features of pharmacotherapy of athletes under anti-doping legislation.
- Modern approaches to the determination of doping drugs and prohibited substances in the athlete’s body
- Modern approaches to the treatment and rehabilitation of athletes.
- Psychological culture of a modern athlete.
- The problem of responsible choice in the sports community.
- Medical support for young athletes.
- Problems of implementing anti-doping programs in the educational environment.
- The role of the coach and sports team in shaping attitudes towards the problem of doping
Associate professor I.A.Tatarenkova
- Все новости17895
- Поступающим395
- Образование2953
- Наука2464
- Общество2868
- Университетская жизнь4751
- Медицина1175
- Трудоустройство461
- Непрерывное образование72
- Международная деятельность347
Информационные рубрики
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305041 К.Маркса,3, г.Курск
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305041 К.Маркса,3, г.Курск