On 18 of the April 2023 the lecture of pharmacology « Hormones: hypothalamic and pituitary hormones; thyroid and parathyroid drugs; insulins and oral hypoglycemic drugs. » for 3rd year 6th semester was taken by Momunova Aigul Abdykerimovna associate professor, department of pathology, basic and clinical pharmacology, International Medical Faculty, Osh State University.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the wonderful lecture on pharmacology that was conducted by our colleague through Zoom. It was truly enlightening to have the opportunity to learn about pharmacology from an expert in another country and gain a global perspective on the subject. The lecture was well-structured and easy to follow, which made it even more engaging and informative. The use of technology to connect us with experts from around the world is a fantastic way to broaden our knowledge and understanding. The lecture was an excellent example of how technology can facilitate learning and help us stay connected with the global academic community. The lecture has not only expanded our knowledge of pharmacology but also given us an insight into the healthcare system of another country. The opportunity to ask questions and engage with the expert made the lecture interactive and enhanced our learning experience. Once again, I would like to thank our professor for organizing this incredible lecture and providing us with a unique and enriching educational experience.
Kvachakhiya L.L. M.D., associate professor of department pharmacology
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