“Wouldn’t it be dreadful to live in a country
where they didn’t have tea?” – Noel Coward
Symposium “Tea traditions and the medical use of tea in different countries” within the framework of the third scientific and theoretical conference with international participation was held off-line at the Pharmacology Department on December 15, 2022. The conference “Tea in the historical, cultural and medical aspects” was dedicated to the International Day of Tea and organized by our library.
We listened and discussed 15 so interesting and informative reports presented by 3rd year students of International Medical Institute: Peeritysha Subramaniam, Fadee Poompatch, Regis Lessa Matos Sofia, Luiza Akemi Sendeski Shimakawa, Silva Prado Pablo Henrique, Farisa Nayli Binti Nasiruddin, Joshua Soh Ying Kit, Marcela Machado Faria, Nasar Gulam Monir, Abatan Ebunoluwa, Passinho Heinle Beatriz, De Araujo Andrade Jorge Andre, Singh Ashish Kumar, Al-Ghazali Amina Abubakar, Peeritysha Subramaniam, Farisa Nayli Binti Nasiruddin, Joshua Soh Ying Kit. Our Chinese colleagues were joined to us with report via Zoom connection.
Tea is appreciated for its good taste and soothing qualities, and innumerable studies have shown its great medicinal value. The health benefits of tea include detoxifying body, weight loss, boosting immunity and mental alertness, preventing heart diseases and arthritis, managing diabetes, and delaying the aging process. It also helps prevent hair loss, fight fatigue, depression, and treat dental issues. Many types of tea have also been linked to lower risks of cancer.
The major types of tea are white tea, green tea, oolong tea, yellow tea, and black tea. The difference between them is the degree to which the leaf is oxidized or fermented. Many teas have a lesser amount of caffeine and it helps protect your bones and relieves depression. It also boosts the immune system and aids in weight loss. We discussed the following properties of tea: antioxidant, anti-aging, it may have anticancer potential, relieves depression, boosts mental health, relieves fatigue, relieves stress, boosts immune system, lower caffeine levels, improves digestion, causes weight loss, manages diabetes, prevents heart disease, lowers cholesterol, reduces risk of arthritis, improves eye health, strengthens bones, prevents blood clots, fights the flu, prevents cold and cough, prevents kidney stones, prevents iron damage, protects UV, affects on oral health and skin care.
After the end of the theoretical part of our symposium, the students organized a tea ceremony and together we tasted different types of tea from different countries.
The conference will be remembered for a long time.
“If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.” – William Ewart Gladstone
Associate professor I. Tatarenkova
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