«Помочь пациенту сохранить достоинство перед лицом болезни – вот самый большой подарок, который может преподнести пациенту медсестра».
Кристи Уотсон
Язык милосердия.
Воспоминания медсестры.
Трудно переоценить роль медицинской сестры во время пребывания пациента на стационарном лечении. Ее задачи заключаются в умении правильно построить отношения с определенным пациентом, в зависимости от его личностных качеств и состояния здоровья, правильно и своевременно оценить изменения общего состояния больного и под руководством врача провести адекватное лечение и неотложные мероприятия по профилактике осложнений, осуществлении комплексного всестороннего ухода за пациентами и облегчение их страданий.
На медицинскую сестру возложены обязанности контролировать выполнение больными, а также младшим медицинским персоналом, родственниками и посетителями установленные правила внутреннего распорядка больницы, она отвечает за образцовое содержание сестринского поста, соблюдает правила хранения лекарственных средств и составляет требования на них.
Высококвалифицированная своевременная сестринская помощь способствует уменьшению сроков выздоровления пациента, снижает время пребывания в стационаре, повышает качество жизни пациентов.
На основании статьи 13 Федерального закона от 29.12.2012 № 273-ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации», Приказа Минобрнауки России № 885, Минпросвещения России № 390 от 05.08.2020 «О практической подготовке обучающихся», Положения о практической подготовке и в соответствии с учебным планом была проведена учебная практика по получению профессиональных умений и опыта профессиональной деятельности на должностях среднего медицинского персонала «Помощник палатной и процедурной медицинской сестры» (далее - практика) у студентов 2 курса Международного медицинского института по специальности «Лечебное дело» с 26.01.2024 по 08.02.2024.
Руководство учебно-методической работой студентов в период практики осуществляла заведующая кафедрой пропедевтики внутренних болезней доцент Мансимова О.В.
Непосредственное руководство и контроль за ходом практики осуществляли преподаватели кафедры пропедевтики внутренних болезней: доцент Борисова Н.А., ассистент Шелухина А.Н., ассистент Дорофеева С.Г.
По прохождении практики иностранные студенты поделились своими впечатлениями.
руководитель практики
ассистент кафедры
пропедевтики внутренних болезней
Шелухина А.Н.
During the period of 26th January 2024 until 8th February 2024, the students of 2nd Year, 4th Semester undergo winter practice. 10 groups in the batch were assigned to 3 different hospitals. At the hospitals, the students gain new knowledge regarding the nurses’ scope of work. During the first day of winter practice, all of the students were having a meeting with Madam Angelika at Railway Hospital. During the meeting, we were told about the structure of the hospital and the safety measures of the hospital. The next day, we were taught on general rules of washing hands and types of injections. On the third day, the students went to the hospital assigned by the teacher. Group 23 was assigned to go to Hospital 6 under the supervision on Madam Svetlana. I was assigned to the Therapy Department.
On the first day at the department, we were introduced to the head of nurse and other staff members and being welcomed. We were assigned to take patients’ medical histories from designated departments. Besides, we were also assigned to submit specimens to the laboratory. In the department, we learn many important skills. The nurse taught us the method of dilution for medications such as antibiotics. On the other hand, we also taught on how to feed the patients actively. During the practice, the nurse showed us the methods of injection, such as intramuscular injections and intravenous injections. She also taught us the method of drawing blood as a specimen that needs to be tested. We also assist in the enteral administration of drugs in oral form. We learn the correct method of applying a tourniquet. Some of the students were also assigned to transport the patients with the help of wheelchairs from the third floor to first floor for ultrasound examinations. During the practice, we observe two patients who suffer from jaundice and see the way of treatments given by the medical staffs. Every day, we came at 9 a.m. and started by helping the nurse to prepare medication. Then we deliver the medication to respective wards. We obtain the knowledge about the duties of nurses in the therapeutic department. The nurse taught us the amount of normal saline needed for dilution of medication and techniques on how to use the syringe. We also learn how to open the glass ampule.
In conclusion, throughout the practice, we learn many important pieces of information that are essential for our future careers as doctors. We managed to interact with the nurses, administrators and patients in Russian language and realized how important the communication skills are. We also able to understand the way on how the department works in Russian Federation hospitals.
Abstract: My Journey as an ICU Nurse: A Personal Reflection
In this article, I delve into the depths of my experiences as an ICU nurse, sharing the emotional rollercoaster that comes with caring for critically ill patients. From the intense responsibility of moving patients for diagnostic scans to the profound moments of connection as I provide comfort and compassion, each day brings new challenges and rewards. Witnessing life-saving medical procedures and grappling with the realities of death have left an indelible mark on my heart, yet amidst the sadness, there is also joy in celebrating moments of triumph and recovery. Through it all, I am grateful for the privilege of serving others in their most vulnerable moments, and I am reminded of the profound purpose that drives me forward in the heart of the ICU.
Article: My Journey as an ICU Nurse: A Glimpse into the Heart of Healthcare
Every shift in the ICU brings a whirlwind of emotions, challenges, and moments that reaffirm my passion for nursing. As I navigate through the corridors of the hospital, I find myself at the epicenter of life and death, entrusted with the care of those fighting their toughest battles.
One of the most intense aspects of my job is moving critically ill patients for diagnostic scans. With each transfer, I feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders, knowing that any misstep could have dire consequences. Yet, amidst the chaos, there is a sense of purpose that drives me forward, a determination to provide the best care possible.
I’ll never forget the first time I assisted a doctor in inserting an endotracheal tube into a patient struggling to breathe. Standing by, ready to offer support, I was struck by the precision and expertise required for such a life-saving intervention. It was a humbling reminder of the immense impact healthcare professionals have on the lives of their patients.
But nursing isn’t just about medical procedures; it’s also about providing comfort and compassion in the simplest of gestures. From feeding a patient a warm cup of tea to holding their hand during moments of fear and uncertainty, these small acts of kindness are as essential to healing as any medication or procedure. They remind me of the human connection that lies at the heart of healthcare.
One of the most challenging aspects of my job is dealing with death. Whether it’s preparing a deceased patient for their final journey or comforting grieving family members, each encounter leaves a profound impact on me. Yet, amidst the sadness, there is also a sense of reverence for the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment we have with our loved ones.
In the midst of the chaos and intensity of the ICU, there are also moments of triumph and celebration. The joy of seeing a patient recover and return home to their loved ones is unparalleled. It is a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the power of modern medicine to heal and restore.
As I reflect on my journey as an ICU nurse, I am filled with gratitude for the privilege of being a part of people’s lives during their most vulnerable moments. It is a role that demands courage, compassion, and unwavering dedication. Yet, it is also a role that brings immeasurable rewards and a profound sense of purpose. In the heart of the ICU, amidst the beeping machines and bustling corridors, I have found my calling—a calling to serve, to heal, and to make a difference in the lives of others.
Swatanter, leader of gr.22 (2 course, 4 semester)
Subject :- Feedback on Winter Practice at the Railway Hospital From 26January 2024 till 08 February 2024
I am Nerandi Gamage from group 25 writing this to Provide feedback on winter practice we had recently On behalf of all the Group mates of group 25.
Group leader :- Thathsara Nugawela
Teacher :- Madam ШЕЛУХИНА Анжелика Николаевна
We want to express Our gratitude and share my thoughts on the valuable expertence provided during Winter practices.
Firstly I would like to hignlight the practical Skills that nurses helped us developed throughout The program. Your quidance on proce dures such as blood draw and creating a Saline line were Commendable. The step by step instructions combined with hands on demons trations, made it easier for us to understand and execute these techniques efficiently. Your Patience and willingness to answer our questions Ensured that we had a clear understanding of These procedures.
Moreover, I would like to emphasize the supportive working environment that fostered during our time at the hospital. The atmosphere nurses helped to create was conducive to learning Which made it easier for us to adapt and grasp complex concepts.
Friendly disposition and approachability encouraged us to seek Clarification whenever needed.
Your dedication To ensuring our professional growth Stood out throughout the program. The efforts you put into tailoring the training to our individual skill levels and learning styles was exemplary.
In conclusion I would like to express my Sancere gratitude for all the nurses for your exceptional commitment to our learning During winter practice feel privile ged to have had the oppurtunity to learn and grow under your guidance.
Thank you once again for your dedication and Support throughout our winter practices...
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