Новость подразделения: Акушерства и гинекологии Института непрерывного образования
Appreciation To All Winners and participants of The 84th International Scientific Conference

Среда, 08, Май 2019, 00:00
The 84th International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists and the 100th Anniversary of Professor G.M. Tkachenko (plenary session).
The 84th International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists and the 100th Anniversary of Professor G.M. Tkachenko, second plenary session was held on April 25, at the university’s main hall. During this session the results of the research works were summarized and the winners and prize winners of the conference were announced and awarded. Only the 1stplace on each categories were awarded on stage
Awards was presented by one of the dignitaries during the session; Associate Professor Stepchenko Alexander Alexandrovich, the Acting Vice-Rector for Medical Work and Regional Health Development, Doctor of Medical Science. Under the category of Obstetrics & Gynecology, he presented the award for the first place to Ulaganathan Vaani (5thYear, Group 7), with her research topic : Uterus Transplantation in Human- History, Comparison and Progresswhich supervised by Assist. Dept. Omasyarifa Binti Jamal Poh.
In conjunction of the plenary session of the conference; our department, soon after, held another ceremony appreciating all the winners of the research works under the category of Obstetrics & Gynecology. This event was held at the department. This is important not just to celebrate the winners but also crucial as an encouragement to others. The awareness and the appreciation will spur enthusiast of other students to involve in scientific research in general and specifically research in Obstetrics & Gynecology.
The appreciation awards was perpetrated by Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology PGE, Doctor of Medical Sciences; Professor Anna B. Huraseva.
Followed by second place Subramanian Sharmila (6th Year, Group 15), under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Angaleva Elena Nikolaevna with her topic IVF Fertility Success Rates in India. Unfortunately she was not able to attend due to urgent matters.
Third place was given to Adu Dolapo Ruth (5 th Year, Group 1), under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Konoplya Alexey Alexandrovich with Comparative Characteristics of Patients with Abortion in Different Countries.
In conclusion of the ceremony Professor Anna B. Huraseva given her words of motivation and encouragement to all the students regarding the scientific research.
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