03.01.2025 National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN), Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development , Malaysia
Четверг, 06, Февраль 2025, 00:00

On the 3rd of January 2025, Associate Professor Poh Omasyarifa B.J. attended a special seminar in National Population And Family Development Board (LPPKN),  Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development , Malaysia. It was held in the main building of  LPPKN in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia by Dr. Halimatul Aris, Senior Principle Assistant Director of Reproductive Health Unit, Human Reproduction Division LPPKN. She visited and learned of their Subfertility Clinic and the process involved. 

3 января 2025 года доцент По Омашарифа Б.Ж. приняла участие в специальном семинаре в Национальном совете по народонаселению и развитию семьи (LPKKN) Министерства по делам женщин, семьи и общественного развития Малайзии. Мероприятие было проведено в главном здании LPPKN в Куала-Лумпуре, Малайзия, доктором Халиматул Арис, главный Замдиректора Управления репродуктивного здоровья Отдела репродукции человека LPPKN. Она посетила их клинику по борьбе с бесплодием и Изучила весь процесс ее проведения.

Historical point of view; In 1966, the National Family Planning Board (LPKN) was established under the Family Planning Act 1966 [Act No. 42/1966] as a statutory body placed under the Prime Minister’s Department, where the main function of LPKN at that time was to implement family planning programs and activities in Malaysia.

In line with the changing times, Act No. 42/1966 has undergone several amendments where in 1984, the Act was amended to the Population and Family Development Act 1966 [Act 352] and the name of LPKN was changed to the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN). With this name change, the role of LPPKN was also expanded, from the delivery of family planning services alone, to a broader population and socio-economic development perspective.

The expansion of the functions and roles of LPPKN is in line with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD-PoA) held in 1994, the LPPKN programme has been modified to cover three (3) main areas, namely:

  1. Population;

  2. Family development;

  3. Human reproduction;

The Cabinet also agreed, on 13 June 2001, to establish a new direction and approach for LPPKN as the lead agency in these three areas in Malaysia.

Currently, LPPKN is the only federal statutory body placed under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community since 2001.

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