On the 20th APRIL 2023 , Traditional annual event hosted by our university resumes “YOUTH SCIENCE AND MODERNITY” The 88th International Scientific Conference Of Students And Young Scientists. There are 26 sections in total for the conference and our departments is under SECTION No. 11.2 Scientific And Clinical Aspects Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology. Our section was held at the Assembly hall of the REGIONAL BUDGETARY HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION "REGIONAL PERINATAL CENTER" that’s located at Prospekt Vyacheslava Klykova, 100. The Department would like to extend our appreciation to The Head of the Perinatal Centre Dr. Antyukhina Margarita Nikolaevna for making this possible. The conference began with opening speech from Professor Anna Borisovna Khuraseva, Doctor of Medical Science. She wished all the presenter the best of luck.
There were 9 participations in which 6 with oral presentation and 3 with poster as listed below:
1. Prevalence Pre-term Births in Nigeria.
By: Oladele Justus Obanijesu – 11 Group, 4 Year, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Scientific supervisor: Professor Anna Borisovna Khuraseva, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
2. Comparative characteristics of menstrual cycle of the patients in different geographical zones.
By: Angle Tang Ngiik Ling – 5 Group, 4 Year, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE.
Scientific supervisor: Associate Professor Angaleva Elena Nikolaevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
3. Global systematic review and meta-analysis of Covid 19 infected pregnant women with foetal and maternal outcomes.
Scientific supervisor: Associate Professor Poh Omasyarifa Binti Jamal, Candidate of Medical Sciences
4. The advancements that robotics brings to gynecology.
By: Korekar Kshitij Prakash – 8 Group, 5 Year, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Scientific supervisor: Professor Anna Borisovna Khuraseva, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
5. The relationship between the menstrual cycle and differences in anamnesis, geographic zone and lifestyle amongst medical university students and possible treatment.
By: Fernando Peththandige Amasha Nirendrika – 5 Group, 6 Year, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Scientific supervisor: Associate Professor Angaleva Elena Nikolaevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
6. The existence of an HPV vaccination program and its relevance in the prevention of cervical cancer in the Russian Federation, Brazil, India, Japan, China, Malaysia and Nigeria.
By: Nascimento Dos Santos Leopoldo Augusto – 15 Group, 6 Year, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Scientific supervisor: Associate Professor Poh Omasyarifa Binti Jamal, Candidate of Medical Sciences
1. Artificial uterus – fantasy or reality.
By: Alvish Lemos Del Ghingaro Leticia – 11 Group, 5 Year, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE.
Scientific supervisor: Associate Professor Poh Omasyarifa Binti Jamal, Candidate of Medical Sciences
2. Сomparison of efficacy among different therapeutic approaches in ectopic pregnancy.
By: Ludwig Lorenzo – 4 Group, 4 Year, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE.
Scientific supervisor: Professor Anna Borisovna Khuraseva, Doctor of Medical Sciences.
3. Comparative analysis of different variants menstrual cycle in girls from different countries.
By: Likha Miss Nurhayati – 8 Group, 4 Year, INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE.
Scientific supervisor: Associate Professor Angaleva Elena Nikolaevna, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
On each presentations audience given the chance to addressed questions to the presenter and interesting discussion was carried along with the guidance of the panels. During the closing speech Professor Anna Borisovna Khuraseva announced the best performance of the presenter as listed below;
1st Place : Nascimento Dos Santos Leopoldo Augusto – 15 Group, 6 Year.
2nd Place : Korekar Kshitij Prakash – 8 Group, 5 Year.
3rd Place I: Puneet – 20 Group, 6 Year.
3rd Place II: Fernando Peththandige Amasha Nirendrika – 5 Group, 6 Year.
20 апреля 2023 года возобновляется традиционное ежегодное мероприятие, проводимое нашим университетом, - 88-я Международная научная конференция студентов и молодых ученых “МОЛОДЕЖНАЯ НАУКА И СОВРЕМЕННОСТЬ”.
Всего на конференции представлено 26 секций, и наши кафедры расположены в СЕКЦИИ № 11.2 "Научные и клинические аспекты акушерства и гинекологии".
Наша секция проходила в актовом зале ОБЛАСТНОГО БЮДЖЕТНОГО УЧРЕЖДЕНИЯ ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ "ОБЛАСТНОЙ ПЕРИНАТАЛЬНЫЙ ЦЕНТР", расположенного по адресу проспект Вячеслава Клыкова, 100. Отделение хотело бы выразить нашу благодарность главному врачу Пантюхиной Маргарите Николаевне за предоставление возможности для проведения конференции.
Конференция началась со вступительного слова доктора медицинских наук, профессора Анны Борисовны Хурасевой, которая пожелала всем ведущим удачи.
Всего было представлено 9 докладов, из которых 6 с устными презентациями и 3 с плакатами, как указано ниже:
1. Prevalence Pre-term Births in Nigeria.
Oladele Justus Obanijesu – 11 группа, 4 курс, ММИ. Руководитель: д.м.н., профессор Анна Борисовна Хурасева.
2. Comparative characteristics of menstrual cycle of the patients in different geographical zones.
Angle Tang Ngiik Ling – 5 группа, 4 курс, ММИ.
Руководитель: к.м.н., доцент Елена Николаевна Ангалева.
3. Global systematic review and meta-analysis of Covid 19 infected pregnant women with foetal and maternal outcomes.
Puneet – 20 группа, 6 курс, ММИ.
Руководитель: к.м.н., доцент По Омашарифа Бинти Жамал.
4. The advancements that robotics brings to gynecology. Korekar Kshitij Prakash – 8 группа, 5 курс, ММИ. Руководитель: д.м.н., профессор Анна Борисовна Хурасева.
5. The relationship between the menstrual cycle and differences in anamnesis, geographic zone and lifestyle amongst medical university students and possible treatment.
Fernando Peththandige Amasha Nirendrika – 5 группа, 6 курс, ММИ. Руководитель: к.м.н., доцент Елена Николаевна Ангалева.
6. The existence of an HPV vaccination program and its relevance in the prevention of cervical cancer in the Russian Federation, Brazil, India, Japan, China, Malaysia and Nigeria.
Nascimento Dos Santos Leopoldo Augusto – 15 группа, 6 курс, ММИ. Руководитель: к.м.н., доцент По Омашарифа Бинти Жамал.
1. Artificial uterus – fantasy or reality.
Алвиш Лемос Дель Гхингаро Летисия – 11 группа, 5 курс, ММИ.
Руководитель: к.м.н., доцент По Омашарифа Бинти Жамал.
2. Сomparison of efficacy among different therapeutic approaches in ectopic pregnancy.
Ludwig Lorenzo – 4 группа, 4 курс, ММИ.
Руководитель: д.м.н., профессор Анна Борисовна Хурасева.
3. Comparative analysis of different variants menstrual cycle in girls from different countries.
Likha Miss Nurhayati – 8 группа, 4 курс, ММИ.
Руководитель: к.м.н., доцент Елена Николаевна Ангалева.
На каждой презентации аудитории предоставлялась возможность задать вопросы докладчику, и под руководством экспертов велась интересная дискуссия. Во время заключительной речи профессор Анна Борисовна Хурасева объявила лучшее выступление ведущей, как указано ниже:
1 место : Насименто Душ Сантуш Леопольдо Аугусто – группа 15, 6 курс.
2 место : Корекар Кшитидж Пракаш – 8 группа, 5 курс.
3–е место I: Группа Puneet - 20, 6 курс.
3–е место II: Фернандо Петтандиге Амаша Нирендрика - 5 группа, 6 курс.
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