Wednesday, 24 th April 2019,
84 th International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists.
In accordance to the 84th International Scientific Conference for Students and Young Scientists and the 100th anniversary of Professor G.M. Tkachenko , on 24th April 2019, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology PGE held a scientific conference at Regional Perinatal Centre, together with foreign students from different countries (Malaysia, Thailand, Brazil, Sri Lanka, India, Nigeria etc.).
Paneled and supervised by Assoc. Prof. Angaleva Elena Nikolaevna, Prof. Konoplya Alexey Alexandrovich, Prof. Huraseva Anna Borisovna and Assist. Dept. Omasyarifa Binti Jamal Poh. Among 19 research, 14 presented and evaluated in the conference, where the contestants were given 10 minutes each for their presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A session.
Among the topics presented were Analysis of the risk of development of uterine fibroids in reproductive age, PCOS: The Possible Leading Cause Among Different Races, Analysis of risk of Endometriosis development in reproductive age, Role of Vitamin D Deficiency in Gynecological Disorders, Acne Association with Gynecological Diseases in Women of Different Nation, Evaluating of Cervical Cancer Screening, and Mastodynia-Clinical evaluation of risk prevalence.
After careful consideration on each student’s contents of research, methodology, illustrations, the attained results, their manner of presentation and discussion; the panel of judges agreed to bestow the first place to Ulaganathan Vaani (5th Year, Group 7), under supervision of Assist. Dept. Omasyarifa Binti Jamal Poh with her topic Uterus Transplantation in Human- History, Comparison and Progress.
Followed by second place Subramanian Sharmila (6th Year, Group 15), under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Angaleva Elena Nikolaevna with her topic IVF Fertility Success Rates in India.
Third place was given to Adu Dolapo Ruth (5 th Year, Group 1), under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Konoplya Alexey Alexandrovich with Comparative Characteristics of Patients with Abortion in Different Countries.
Participating participants including the panels. Worldwide academic knowledge and knowledge among students.
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