23rd October 2023 , Our department has organized an excursion to the Anatomical Theatre of our university. The visit to this unique treasure led by our Professor Anna B. Khuraseva and Associate Professor Omasyarifa J. Poh; together with 37 fifth-year IMI-KSMU students. We were welcomed by Associate Professor Lydia M. Ryazaeva, the Director of the Anatomical Theatre and had the honour of having herself guiding us throughout the excursion. Her passionate explanation on each exhibits makes the excursion much more engaging.
The trip might be brief but undoubtedly it made an impact to the students’ experiences which will last beyond their 6 years of medical studies. Some of their impressions that we love to share and surely the evidence of the trip's repercussion ;
“In essence, a trip to the anatomy theatre is not merely an excursion; it’s a transformative experience” ………….Daniel Hakim Bin Othman – 5th year , Group 10
“There was one thing that really caught my attention and that I had never known existed. It is exceedingly rare. En caul! …. The phraseology “born in a shirt” is used when talking about a happy and lucky person.”………. Haziq Mirza Bin Zakaria – 5th year , Group 9
Russian cultural belief about en caul, whoever was born in this condition is considered to have good luck and happiness. There was even a Russian phrase “родился в рубашке”, meaning born in a shirt.
“As I entered the grand hall, I was struck by the grandeur of the surroundings. The atmosphere was tinged with a sense of anticipation, as if the very air was pregnant with the secrets of the human body”….. Dayang Hasya Irdina Binti Hamdan - - 5th year , Group 9
“ Upon viewing the placenta exhibit, which resembles a bouquet of flowers, I couldn't help but feel overcome with emotion. It beautifully captures the miracle of giving birth to a new life. It was a very special day for me, and I felt that my decision to pursue medicine was the right one..”…………………...Aguiar Ponec Anne -- 5th year , Group 9
“The best part of the theater which I liked the most was the specimens of congenital malformations especially the rarest variants of conjoint twins. I was just astonished to know that some exhibits were dated 25-50 years ago.”……..Megavarnan Bhuvaneshwari -- 5th year , Group 9
“The cross section of an actual human foot is what interests me the most. The level of craftsmanship and skill required to accomplish this really impressed me. The work is neat and very detailed.” …….. Nur Shazweena Binti Rosdi ----- 5th year , Group 9
“Anatomy theater not only celebrate the marvels of the human body but also shed light on the evolution of medical knowledge throughout history”…. Ahmad Faris Azri Bin Azhar -5th year , Group 15
“Being in the theater and seeing the whole two-tiered building adorned with human anatomy images, mummies, organs, skeletons and different types of malformed fetus, brings back the sparks of interest and excitement in me to be in this journey of being a medical student and a future doctor in the medical field.” ……………..Damia Zulaikha Binti Azizi - -5th year , Group 15
“My visit to the anatomical theatre was a transformative experience that deepened my understanding of medicine and the human body. It reinforced the importance of continuous learning and collaboration in the medical field. Cadaver is always the silent teacher offering invaluable insights into the complexity of our bodies.” …….Khader Basha Shahida Firdous -5th year , Group 15
“….These served as a reminder of the countless variations that can occur during foetal development and the resilience of the human spirit in facing such challenges. The preservation of all the specimens were astounding including the model showing the bronchial tree of the lungs and the vascular system of the liver resembling a delicate coral.” ……Saraa Abdul Rahman -5th year , Group 15
“Out of all the exhibits, I was particularly drawn to the "Mermaid foetus" because it was unlike anything I had ever seen.”…….. Shafa Shaugy -5th year , Group 15
“I encountered a captivating exhibit showcasing a preserved fetus with anencephaly…… This encounter served as a poignant reminder of the intricate nature and fragility of life, eliciting a sense of awe and contemplation.” ……Mariyam Shafua Musthafa -5th year , Group 16
“I personally was in the awe because of the effort KSMU took to actually preserve those specimens rather than creating them artificially.” Ghodke Avantika Rajesh -5th year , Group 16
“I was fascinated by the detailed exhibits and impressed by the level of expertise required to preserve them.” ……..Patil Swaroop-5th year , Group 16
“I was captivated by the unique and thought-provoking exhibits on display. Conjoint twins are estimated to occur in between 1 in 30,000 to 1 in 200,000 live births worldwide. Given this phenomenon is incredibly rare, being able to see it up close is a privilege that I do not take for granted.”…… Aishath Yaula Ismail -5th year , Group 16
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